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Jesus the Equalizer


Posted by Pastor Christopher Hull on

In the Treasury this morning, C.F.W. Walther's meditation on the Lord's Supper gives the example of diverse people coming the table saying, "Although one may appear in a rough apron while another in velvet and satin, adorned with gold and pearls, when they depart, all take with them that for...

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Tags: forgiveness, jesus, lord's supper

Where's your Garment?

Posted by Pastor Christopher Hull on

Today is Holy Tuesday, a blessed day in Holy Week as we continue our walk to the cross and eventually the Resurrected Body of our Lord, Jesus the Christ. A good reading for today is Matthew 22 which reads,  And again Jesus spoke to them in parables, saying, 2 “The...

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Tags: baptism, holy week, jesus

Why Death?

Posted by Pastor Christopher Hull on

In the Treasury last week, there was a quote from the Formula of Concord Solid Declaration that asserts, "Christ is not man alone, but God and man in one undivided person. Therefore, He was hardly subject to the Law (because He is the Lord of the Law), just as He didn't have to suffer and die...

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Tags: cross, death, jesus, salvation

God's Word, in your pastor's mouth, to comfort you

Posted by Pastor Christopher Hull on

In the Treasury this morning, the Old Testament lesson is from Exodus 4, the account of God sending Moses to Egypt to lead the Israelites out of captivity. Moses doubted his ability to be this voice for God, and to comfort him, God said, "You shall speak to him (Aaron) and put the words in his...

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Tags: bondage, jesus, moses, pastor forgiveness

Grace covered failures

Posted by Pastor Christopher Hull on

If you aren't reading the Treasury of Daily Prayer, you should start as soon as possible. It is a fantastic treasure that benefits you everyday. You have a Psalm, and Old Testament, a New Testament, and a writing from a church Father or from the Confessions. Today, the writing is from the 5th...

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Tags: bach, failure, jesus, mercy

To Be, or Not to Be


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"To be, or not to be: that is the question: Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, Or to  take arms against a sea of troubles, And by opposing end them?"  These words, from William Shakespeare's Hamlet, are...

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Tags: hamlet, jesus, luther, shakespeare, sin

Jesus took the wheel

Posted by Pastor Christopher Hull on

In the meditation for the "Treasury of Daily Prayer," this morning, Martin Luther comforts us with the work of Jesus saying, "Faith...is a firm trust that Christ, the Son of God, stands in our place and has taken all our sins upon His shoulders and that He is the eternal satisfaction for our sin...

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Tags: cross, faith, jesus, salvation, trust

A Bad Dad with a Good Father


Posted by Pastor Christopher Hull on

Last night I had a lovely Incredible Hulk Dad moment. We were walking to the car after our CG workout and we had all the children. One of my boys decided to walk while being on my phone, which was my fault to begin with with letting him have it. When we got to the car I told him to hand it to me...

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Tags: father, forgiveness, love, mercy

Wouldn't it be nice

Posted by Pastor Christopher Hull on

Psalm 32 says, "Blessed is the one whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered. Blessed is the man against whom the Lord counts no iniquity and in whose spirit there is no deceit." (Psalm 32:1-2).  God forgives us all our sins. We we are led into repentance by His kindness, and...

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Tags: covered, jesus, sin

Two Things to Remember

Posted by Pastor Christopher Hull on

Remember you are dust, and to dust you shall return. This is for you to remember, to never forget, that you are mortal, that you will perish.You, yes, you Son of Adam and Daughter of Eve are sinful and unclean, and because of your sin you will die. All things temporal you love more than God will...

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Tags: ash wednesday, dust, remember, . jesus