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In a Certain Relationship

Posted by Pastor Christopher Hull on

I remember when I started my Facebook account almost 20 years ago. When I was doing the account setup I had to put information in. My favorite was when it got to relationship status and I got to say, "Married to Allison Hull." I didn't just write, "In a relationship," but said, "Married to...

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Tags: love, forgiveness, reconciliation

An Inconvenient Life

Posted by Pastor Christopher Hull on

Over the last couple of weeks I have been trying to navigate this Coronavirus pandemic just like everyone else has. Many people have lost their jobs, or have their jobs on hold for the time being. Others are still working, but are either working from home, or still go into their jobs because...

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Tags: jesus, cross, incarnation, pro-life, coronavirus, st. mary

Can't get clean without a shower


Posted by Pastor Christopher Hull on

 A couple of weeks ago I competed in the Houston Highland Games. WE threw 56 pound weights, threw 22 pound hammers, and tossed a huge log the size of a telephone pole. After competing I was hooked and looked for another Scottish festival that featured the games. However, my hopes quickly...

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Tags: church, jesus, forgiveness, pagan

A Pink Tower, or a Golden idol


Posted by Pastor Christopher Hull on

https://www.cnn.com/2019/01/23/health/new-york-abortion-measures-trnd/index.html This article, written by a CNN  by Tony Marco, reports the decision made this past week concerning the state of New York's decision to allow women to have an abortion up to the moment of birth. This decision...

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Tags: abortion, children, forgiveness, jesus, jesús, new york

Feeling like a Zero

Posted by Pastor Christopher Hull on

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zx5670LWOWI The group, Imagine Dragons, wrote the song Zero for the new Wreck it Ralph movie. The song is about high functioning depression. The lyrics paint a picture of what it's like going through life feeling like your nothing, feeling empty and worthless...

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Tags: jesus, jesús, real love, wreck it ralph, zero

I care about You

Posted by Pastor Christopher Hull on

Yesterday, I was blessed to be taught in our bible study by Pastor Daniels. It is rare that I get to sit and listen and be fed the Gospel during the study hour. As we were walking through Romans 7 and discussing the baptismal life, the conversation came up at the end of the study about why...

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Tags: care, forgiveness, jesus, jesús, you

Let's Go

Posted by Pastor Christopher Hull on

George Patton, the famous WWII General, once said, "No good decision was ever made in a swivel chair."  Patton was known for advancing on the enemy, rather than sitting there and waiting to be attacked. Patton was a general of unparalleled brilliance, and unbridled determination when...

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Tags: jesus, jesús, patton, swivel chair

A Church Anxiety Attack


Posted by Pastor Christopher Hull on

Anxiety or Panic Attacks are real things and are not fun. These attacks are intense periods of fear or feelings of doom developing over a very short time frame. For alot of the baptized, these anxiety attacks come when they desire to go to church. Many people avoid church for many reasons...

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Tags: anxiety, church, jesus, jesús, panic attack

Never Forget

Posted by Pastor Christopher Hull on

Today is the 17th year of remembering the attacks on America and the deaths of thousands in the 9/11 terrorist attacks. I remember where I was and how every moment of my day went. My wife remembers every detail of the day and the days that followed. I am sure that all of you that were alive in...

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Tags: 9/11, jesus, jesús, remembrance.

A built Tongue

Posted by Pastor Christopher Hull on

St. Paul, inspired by the Holy Spirit, wrote to the churches in Ephesus saying, " Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear. 30 And do not grieve the Holy...

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Tags: built up, forgiveness, tongue
