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God's Welfare Program

Posted by Pastor Christopher Hull on

Welfare programs are not an original U.S. thing. The Roman Empire had welfare programs, as did many countries in Europe starting in the 17th century. Welfare programs are ways in which the governing authority replaces fallen man because he doesn't keep the 5th commandment which says, "You shall not kill. What does this mean? We should fear and love God so that we do not hurt or harm our neighbor in his body, but help and support him in every physical need." As Dr. Martin Luther, of blessed and holy memory, preached on the 6th Sunday after Trinity in 1534 saying, "In the fifth commandment God commands us to have one another's welfare at heart" (Luther's Sermons Vol. 2. 323).  We are commanded to have each other's welfare at heart, if we did this, there would never be a need for government programs because no one would ever be in want or need. 

We should help and support our neighbor in every physical need. This commandment isn't just for the baptized, but for all people; therefore, everyone should not hurt or harm, but help and support. However, man does not keep this commandment because he is a sinner who loves himself more than others. We don't want people to hurt or harm us, but help and support us. On the other hand, we are quick to harm and slow to support. God gives us the government to curb man's wickedness with the sword and to reward him for virtuous behavior. As time has gone on, because we don't keep the second half of this commandment, the government has taken the place of neighbors helping their neighbor. The government has stepped in and let us take a break from helping our neighbor in every physical need. For example, when you pass by a homeless man, you don't open your car door, take him back to your house, give him a bed in which to sleep, feed him breakfast, and then take him out looking for a job and a future place to live. When we pass homeless people we say, "Well, someone else will help then, or at least, they can live off the government." When it comes to having our neighbor's welfare at heart, we pass the buck.  When it comes to the 5th commandment, we must repent of hurting our neighbor in our active aggression and our apathy.

The only way we can love our neighbor is knowing that our Lord Jesus first and always loves us. He doesn't hurt or harm us, but instead took the harm of the wrath of His Father on the cross in order that we may be helped and supported in every physical and spiritual need. Jesus gives us daily bread, not because we deserve it, but because He knows that we need it. You and I don't have our neighbor's welfare at heart, but Jesus does. He always helps and supports. He looks out for all our needs, and the needs of all in His creation. He stretched out His arms on the cross and gave His life because He has our welfare at heart. Jesus is our Good Samaritan, that when He sees us in the ditch, He doesn't pass the buck, but picks us up and takes care of us, in both body and soul. He sees us in despair, anxiety, fear, and depression, and He comforts us with the assurance of eternal life. He sees us struggle with lust, anger, jealousy, envy, and wrath, and He forgives us. He sees us bleeding out and He binds our wounds by shedding His own blood for us. In short, Jesus keeps the 5th commandment perfectly because we break it habitually. Jesus kept the 5th commandment in order that, on the cross, He could make the perfect sacrifice for us, because He has our welfare at heart. So, let us take heart and let us have our neighbor's welfare at heart, knowing that Jesus cares for us and never passes the buck when it comes to supporting us in every physical and spiritual need.

Peace be with you. May the devil be silenced, the world be hushed, and the Old Adam be drowned anew so that you hear only the voice of your Savior Jesus who says, "I forgive you. I love you. I claim you as My own forever," Amen.

Jesus' Sheepdog,

Pastor Hull

Tags: 5th commandment, catechism, jesus, luther

