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Jesus Was Born here so we can be born there

Posted by Pastor Christopher Hull on

The Treasury of Daily Prayer devotional writing today says, "God assumed a human nature to effect man's participation in the Divine nature; God became a Child that we might become children of God. The birthday of Christ inaugurates our divine birth."

Jesus became man, a temporal being, in order that we may live forever with Him in heaven. Jesus became man in order that God could assume all of our sins and die on the cross in our stead. Jesus, who is eternal became temporal, in order that we who are temporal, may live eternally. This is the message of the Gospel, that on the cross Jesus suffered the full wrath of the Father and ransomed us from sin, death, and the power of the devil. Jesus finished all the work of our atonement, our purchase, and now the Church proclaims this message in order that you may hear it and live forever. The pastor's job is to proclaim the Gospel to you, to remind you of who you are in your baptism, and to forgive you all your sins in the midst of your many failures, mistakes, and wicked thoughts. Jesus was born, in order to die, so that you who die may live forever in heaven. May you never tire of hearing this message and may it comfort you in the midst of every trouble and trial you face in this life.

Peace be with you. May the devil be silenced, the world be hushed, and the Old Adam be drowned anew so that you hear only the peaceful voice of your Savior Jesus who says, "I forgive you. I love you. I claim you as My own forever," Amen.

Jesus' Sheepdog,

Pastor Hull

Tags: cross, divine nature, jesus

