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In the Treasury last week, there was a quote from the Formula of Concord Solid Declaration that asserts, "Christ is not man alone, but God and man in one undivided person. Therefore, He was hardly subject to the Law (because He is the Lord of the Law), just as He didn't have to suffer and die for His own sake. For this reason, then, His obedience (not only in His suffering and dying, but also because He was voluntarily made under the Law in our place and fulfilled the Law by this obedience) is credited to us for righteousness. So, because of this complete obedience, which He rendered to His heavenly Father for us by doing and suffering and in living and dying, God forgives our sins. He regards us as godly and righteous, and He eternally saves us." (FCSD III.14-15 Treasury 150).
Jesus didn't have to die. He didn't have to die for Himself at least. He had no sin that He committed. He never transgressed the Law of His Father. He never harmed His neighbor, but helped everyone in every physical and spiritual need. Jesus had no reason to shed His blood and die on the cross, at least in relation to His own sinfulness. Jesus didn't have to die for His own sin and failures.
Why His death then? Was it to show us what it means to lay down our life, offer up the greatest sacrifice in service to God and neighbor? No. Jesus died because He assumed all our sin and took the blame for our failures. As Dr. Martin Chemnitz said, "And it is the sweetest comfort that sin, which made its habitation in human flesh, was condemned in the same human flesh, in the person of Christ." (Treasury 162). Jesus died in order to put our sin to death. He died so that our sin could condemn us no more. Jesus died so that we will live forever with Him, because sin no longer determines our final destination. Jesus died because we can't make any sacrifice that would suffice, that would satisfy our righteous God and Father. Jesus did satisfy all the Father's righteousness for us. This is why Jesus had to die, so that we may live forever under His mercy. Jesus did not die for sins He committed, but rather died for His Sins that you and I commit. Jesus claimed our sins, mistakes, and failures as His own and put them to death on the cross. This is why He had to die, so that our sins could die, and we now live forever with Him, and The Father, and The Holy Spirit forever.
Peace be with you. May the devil be silenced, the world be hushed, and the Old Adam be drowned anew so that you hear only the peaceful voice of your Savior Jesus who says, "I love you. I forgive you. I claim you as My own forever," Amen.
Jesus' Sheepdog,
Pastor Hull
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