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Posted by Pastor Christopher Hull on

On Sunday, October 29th, we are beginning a walk through St. Paul's letter to the Saints in Rome. Luther makes the point that before you begin reading any book of the Bible, you have to know what the words of the Bible mean. For example, it is necessary to have a proper definition of the word, "Faith." This is the word we are going to be studying tomorrow as we begin our reading of Romans. Faith is mentioned by St. Paul many times, and it is faith that saves us because it receives the promises of Christ Jesus. So, tomorrow, we are going to look at Scripture and how it defines Faith, how the Confessions define Faith, how certain Lutheran theologians define Faith, and also examples of how people have misunderstood and therefore confessed a false faith.

Luther says that Faith "is a living, daring confidence in God's grace, so sure and certain that the believer would stake his life on it a thousand times" (LW 35.370).  So, come to the 930 adult study in the gym at Zion Lutheran Church in Tomball tomorrow as we learn about the word faith and how we should understand in the book of Romans. Fun times. 

Peace be with you. May the devil be silenced, the world be hushed, and the Old Adam drowned anew so that you hear only the peaceful voice of your Savior Jesus who says, "I forgive you. I love you. I claim you as My own forever," Amen.

Jesus' Sheepdog,

Pastor Hull

Tags: faith, jesus, luther, romans

