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Lean on Jesus

Posted by Pastor Christopher Hull on

In the Gospel according to St. Luke, Jesus tells the parable of the Good Samaritan. When we read this text, we come to the conclusion that Jesus is our Good Samaritan that does all things for us. In the text as well, we see an image of how we should live the baptismal life. We should show mercy to all people and be like the Samaritan in love for our neighbor and enemies alike. We, like the lawyer, hear the same exhortation from Jesus that says, "You go, and do likewise." We hear this word from Jesus and it is a hard saying because it is something that we don't do. We desire to love our neighbor, but as we talked about yesterday, the flesh battles against the spirit as we live our lives in faith toward God and in fervent love toward all around us. It is in this failure to live in persistent and unconditional good works that we hear the sweet words that Jesus spoke to Mary and Martha the next day saying, "Martha, Martha, you are anxious and troubled about many things, but one thing is necessary. Mary has chosen the good portion, which will not be taken away from her." In the midst of striving to live as the Good Samaritan, we must not be anxious worrying over our good works, but must instead rely and lean on Christ as our helper and the one who forgives us all of our sins.

The Formula of Concord deals with this in the 3rd article concerning the righteousness of faith saying, "Faith relies on Christ alone and on His complete obedience by which He has fulfilled the Law for us. This obedience is credited to believers for righteousness" (FCSD III.30). Before this writing, The writers quoted Luther's Galatians lectures which say, "So since we are now dealing with the topic of justification, we reject and condemn works; for this topic will not allow of any discussion of good works. On this issue, therefore, we simply cut off all law and all works of the Law" (FCSD III.28-29). Because we are baptized, we are called to live as the Good Samaritan, as Jesus Himself, in sacrificial love for our neighbor, for everyone around us, even those we hate down to our very bones. This isn't an option for the baptized. This is how we live. When we fail to live this way, we can either be as the lawyer and try to justify ourselves and make excuses for our lack of mercy and heard hearts, but this option leaves us on our own for our salvation. Instead, let us step in line with St. Mary and receive the good portion, where we are not judged by the law, but rather by Jesus obedience which is reckoned to us as righteousness.

My friends, it is my prayer that you do not look to the law for comfort, or let the words of the law drag you into despair. The Law is good and shows us the will of the Father and what good works are. However, the law does not promise salvation, nor does it comfort our conscience in times of despair over our failures and transgressions. We stand before the Father, not with the law as our advocate, but with Jesus and His gracious forgiveness as our confidence that we have a Loving Father who accepts us and receives us into His Heavenly realm. We stand before God, not with our works and anxieties over them, but rather we stand before God stained with the blood of Jesus and covered in Jesus' righteousness. You have received and will always receive the good portion of your Savior, Jesus The Christ. He bore all your sins on the cross, became your sins, became the curse of the law, in order that you may become His righteousness and stand before the Father as a pure child,  blameless without any spot or blemish. You receive the good portion in the forgiveness of all of your sins. You receive the good portion that lasts forever in your baptism and in the lord's supper. You receive the benefits of Jesus who is your Good Samaritan who is always merciful to you and always has your benefit at heart. So take heart and be of good cheer, you are Jesus' forever and a recipient of the good portion that lasts for eternity. Lean on Jesus my friends, for He is your friend that will carry you and bear the burden with and for you all your days until He ushers you home to life eternal.

Peace be with you. May the devil be silenced, the world be hushed, and the Old Adam be drowned anew so that you hear only the voice of your Savior Jesus who says, "I forgive you. The good portion of My death and resurrection is yours forever. I have become your sin, you are now My righteousness that no one can or ever will take away from you," Amen.

Jesus' Sheepdog,

Pastor Hull

Tags: good samaritan, luther, mary and martha, fcsd

